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Home > FAQ's > General FAQ's > Why do you need Springboard?
Why do you need Springboard?
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Why do you need Springboard?

Springboard provides the following key benefits:


Information Assurance & Quality

Information Assurance for built assets is an essential requirement in an organisation. 


Good governance of information management is increasingly required by Customers as they learn the value of good data and how this can inform their business decisions. Springboard provides software tools and processes to demonstrate information compliance from content creation through delivery and into operations. Built-in data entry tools and automatic validation reduces errors and ensures conformity. 


Standardised templates and workflows help manage information in line with industry standards from ISO19650, BS1192, CIBSE, BSRIA, Uniclass to Clients specific. 

In-depth event recording ensure all transactions regarding information are captured to provide an audit trail and ensure a single source of truth for all information - data, metadata* and events.

The goal is to improve certainty and assurance for built assets.


Productivity Improvements

All organisations use multiple platforms and tools to share information, with email and file sharing sites still being the most common. These tools are not designed to manage structured data and content.

Springboard creates a 'data model' which is not to be confused with a 3D graphical model to focus on the data within the files. The Springboard data model improves productivity by structuring data and information making it easy to organise and share. Excel is an example of structured data, as it organises all information in rows and columns making it easy to storeanalyse and search.

Springboard software builds on this structured data principle by further adding classification tables, information rules sets**, validation tools and process workflows. 

Reduce costs by sharing data, removing duplication, reducing errors and improve collaboration.


Collaboration, extensibility and connectivity

An extensible architecture is designed to accommodate change and add new capabilities and functionality.


Interaction with their other data platforms increases user engagement allowing information to be shared and visualised in their own software environments. Springboard can share data with other data platforms; 3D models, CAFM systems.

Using industry-standard common exchange formats e.g. IFC. COBie information can be transferred between software to reduce data transfer and software implementation times.

Springboard API's enable file syncing and data transfer between software platforms, BMS, IOT to further increase efficiency and reduce errors. Built to connect, share and collaborate


* Metadata - a set of data about the information e.g. a history of a file.

** Information Rule Sets - typically OIR (Organisational Information Requirements), PIR (Project Information Requirements), AIR (Asset Information Requirements).

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